
Tara’s Story: Tara Teaspoon

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Tara had experienced the culinary career of a lifetime. As the food editor for Martha Stewart Living and the food director for Ladies’ Home Journal magazine, Tara had created numerous recipes, articles, and food styling for books, television, and adverting. But when a shift in advertising trends caused Tara to leave the food magazine industry, she turned to a new avenue to exercise her food expertise: blogging. Listen as Tara shares what led her to starting her own food blogging business, Tara Teaspoon.


“I never thought about creating my own business or even a blog. But over the years, people would continue to ask me, ‘Hey, where’s that recipe?’ Or, ‘Do you have a recipe for this?’ Or, ‘I really liked that recipe in the magazine years ago, can you share it with me?’ Because the magazine was out of print. So I decided I would create a space online where they could find those recipes.”


Tara’s New Recipe Book:

“Delicious Gatherings: Recipes to Celebrate Together”



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