
Sierra’s Story: House of Light

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“You are not really making a difference with the children that you are working with. Your job is easily replaceable, and you’re always going to be a seat-filler.” These words pierced through Sierra like a knife. She had finally fulfilled her dream of becoming a teacher specially trained to work with blind and visually impaired individuals and she was excelling at it. Yet this conversation with her school’s principal made her doubt all of that. But that’s when she had an idea. What if she worked to make a difference in the lives of not only those in her classroom, but others as well? Listen as Sierra shares how she began House of Light, a consulting and training business that specializes in equitable treatment of those who are blind or visually impaired.

Business Tips from Sierra:

1. Find your “why” and the money will follow.

“What we don’t talk enough about as entrepreneurs is why we do it, right? If you are doing what you’re doing what you’re doing as an entrepreneur and it’s tied to your purpose, the money is going to come.”

2. Hire those who are invested in your purpose.

“I’m not hiring you because you are great at what you do. I’m hiring you because [I ask], ‘Hey, what’s your two, three, five year goal?’ And if their goals do not align with House of Light’s culture and climate, we’re not a fit because you’re not going to stay. You’re not invested.”

3. Find your work-life harmony. 

“There’s no such thing as work-life balance in my life but there’s harmony. I only check my emails in the morning and at night. At night when I’m reading them, I schedule them out for the next morning so while I’m gone doing whatever, I know you are getting them and you are responding back and I’m still going to respond to you in 24 hours because I dedicate 30 to 40 minutes of my nighttime routine just answering emails.”

Website: www.houseoflightllc.org


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